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With unparalleled industry knowledge, experience, and local expertise, we are the Seminole Real Estate expert you've been looking for. Whether you're buying or selling, we can help you get the best deal. Just looking? That's OK. Use my website all you like, but you'll have to create a free account to unlock all the best search features. Once you sign up, you'll be able to save listings, save your search criteria, get automated email updates for new homes matching your saved search criteria, and more. Good luck on your house hunt! We hope to hear from you soon.

(432) 758-9231
103 SE 2nd
ZIP Code

Get in Touch

Postal Address
P.O. Box 1198
119 SE Avenue B
Seminole, Texas 79360

Phone Numbers
P: (432) 758-2352
F: (432) 758-6698

Office Hours
9:00am – 5:00pm, Mon – Fri
Closed for all major holidays

Citizen & Keenager of the Year Nominations

We are currently seeking nominations for the 2025 Citizen of the Year and Keenager of the Year. Nomination forms can be picked up at the Chamber Office at 119 SE Ave B or filled out here:

This year’s winners will be announced at the Annual Seminole Chamber of Commerce Banquet on Friday, March 28th. 

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